Welcome in the mysticism of change  

Sound surrounds you in the speechless realm of your existence. 

My project

For inspiration and self connection, music translates the speechless realm in the expansion of awareness. Goosebumps... 
Feeling yourself, simply being, without having to understand. 

My values

WE in the you & me and beyond. Incorporated into something much bigger. 
Authenticity, lightness, joy, connection, stillness, agility and understanding. Through music an understanding is possible being touched far beyond the mind. 

My history 

Everyone starts small - like me. I was many. That led to playing the piano and composing. I left the classical education behind and invited free composition. I love the space of nothingness, from which everything can arise.

My motivation

Silence enters our existence through sounds. It wants to be moved. Playful activation is welcome.  

My inspiration 

is to touch you, to create a shared field and make the world a more beautiful place.


are NOW.

If you want further informations: